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Slagmolenstraat 12/005
3500 Hasselt

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The activities of Harrison Machines have be growing these last few years, and hence in 2020 we decided to build our own industrial hall.

We were able to find a perfect location at Kieleberg 30, 3740 Bilzen.


At this location we are building a warehouse with office space where we can meet our customers and show them our stock of machines, tooling and spare parts

We will also offer assistance to our customers and when required, stock their machines that they no longer have room for in their own production facility

In this way we offer total solutions for both our customers and suppliers


The industrial building will be equipped with a 20-ton overhead crane and a large outdoor area for our two trailers and truck. Our large 27T HOIST forklift  will of course,  also have its own spot in the warehouse

The construction started at the beginning of 2022 and by the end of 2022 we will be able to unload the first machines